Bussines Online

Sabtu, 28 Februari 2009


1. Create a single apply Google Adsense (GA) is often denied or apply in adsense, might start with making the blog in English www2.blogger.com - Update at least 1 - 2 Weeks OK if i apply the new GA. This possibility was successful with 90% note your site is not illegal site (hacker, porn, download crack) and the like and the site should also be frequently updated

2nd Site you should learn the English language-or, if the mixture will usually be less outgoing text-ads-Google it, I leave 99% service ads (diakalin but can violate TOS - Terms of servises) unless your site is the annual (more than 1 - 2 years) a new ad out that Indo I sometimes mix English and can also be English and sometimes can come out "advertising services"

3rd Jgn sekali-kali mencurangin your Google because sooner or later you certainly discovered, read the TOS before because every 3 - 6 months once new regulations certainly do have the day I see the complicated ... 90% sure I never make GA in both the deliberate cheating or not, most often in foul will tire, kl the most rare diperingatin first

4. I want to increase site traffic for free how to use:

* - List all the sites in search engines, especially Google, Yahoo and MSN (do every Sunday 2)
* Tukeran link / banner with a fellow situsKirim e-mail to know-I know it (do not spam) or put the signature in your e-mail
* Use your site's signature when posting in the forum
* Mailing list can sometimes help (do not spam as well)
* Update site and make semenarik and informative as possible so that the interest for influent
* Make any home do not SPAM & no TOS violation GA

5. Alternatively you have to pay to install one banner on other sites, that you think fit with what you promote or pairs with Google AdWords. Never pay sites promising you thousands of visitors because the traffic is only temporary and is prohibited by GA

6. Do not you spam in any campaign for the site because of my own jg I hate spam and spam site usually will be ugly reputation, despite increased traffic for a moment what the long-term effect will be not good and your site will be in the "blacklist". Do not be so frustrating because people who have many Indo Netter stamp out the bad reputation on the internet as you like Netter hacker, pirate copyright, nipu own nation and last start like SPAM

7. You can affiliate with clickbank, amazon, or do other nambah revenue for your site. Position the right ad placement, site, and often in the news-update can also make you a distinctive advantage

8. Your site should have a suffix. Com. Net, if only because Google's blogspot will be very much competition for at this time and rarely enter top ten ranking unless you find the words unique to you or your site is very informative news and given your site useful for many people. If so needs a long time for the top position in the can unless you advertise your site

9. You should have a hobby of writing the article because if your site does not only contain information you retrieved from the site of others and your rating will be slow if you take rise from the site and continue to get you to edit and perbagus, please cantumin source of news for you is this journalists code of ethics. Article I are on the internet also often dibajak without mencamtumkan the source from where. Learn to share and mutual respect among Netter, if you include people who like to hijack, how yah been reduced and finally eliminated ...

10. This last is the most important "never surrender" because all people and I also started from zero. Everything there is always the beginning. Study, study and learn is the key that would work in this field and I also still do to this day


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